It's Friday and I have a few random thoughts.
Barack Obama was elected President of the United States!
The weekend zooms by in a total blur and the next thing you know you're back at work.
I'm sick of paying bills!
Those Circ de Soleil performers are absolutely amazing!
I was in labor for 23 hours with both of my children.
Barack Obama was elected President of the United States!
I want a black Gucci bag.
The economy sucks!
I can't believe my son is a college freshman.
I'm already all Sasha Fierced out.........enough is enough!
Barack Obama was elected President of the United States!
I love palm trees.
Allen Iverson is a Piston?
My sectional needs to be cleaned.
I'm feeling stressed and it's time for me to go out and let my hair down.
Barack Obama was elected President of the United States!
Roy Jones got his ass kicked!
It's cloudy outside, I love the rain.
Why do people kick or bump into you without saying excuse me?
I am beautiful no matter what they say.
Barack Obama was elected President of the United States!
My son's random thoughts:
I'm basketball sore
I want a Barack Obama shirt.
How am I going to do in the basketball game tomorrow.
I love The Joker
Back to me:
How can someone be that cranky all the time?
Fix your face!
I'm so glad I didn't have to go to work today.
Hubby's random thoughts:
I can't think of sh*t!
I'm tired.
I told you I can't think of sh*t!
Tammy, I said I don't know!
Back to me:
Barack Obama was elected President of the United States!
Have any random thoughts?