I have officially been blogging for a year. The time went by so fast. I've learned a lot about myself and made a lot of changes since I started Tammy's Thoughts. I've been writing for a long time but starting this blog was a big step for me. It's the first time i've really been willing to share my passion for writing with others.
My emotions have been all over the place for a couple of years and I really needed an outlet. Blogging has really helped me. It's been like my public journal and has actually helped me learn to be more open. My blogs friends may know more about me than some of the people I see every day at work or play.
Speaking of blog friends, i've met a lot of really nice people over the blogosphere. I don't have the most popular blog with a bunch of followers or comments. That use to bother me but at this point I cherish those who take the time to visit my blog so much that it doesn't matter. I'm good. It's nice to know that my writing is reaching people I admire. I have gotten a lot of encouragement and advice from my blog friends and I hope to meet them some day.
Blogging has become a very important part of my life. It seems like i'm always searching for a topic to post about. It's such a wonderful outlet for all that goes on inside of my writer's brain. I'm a lot different than I was when I started blogging. I'm more confident in my writing. I've always known that writing was my passion, I was just extra nervous about what others would think.
Those days are long gone. My swagger as a writer and a person is totally different. I know that I have been blessed with a gift. I'm finally ready to share that gift. My book is complete and I am ready to be a published author. I'm no longer scared or worried. I'm ready.
I would like to take this time to thank all of those who took the time to visit, follow, or comment here. You all mean a lot to me. I hope to be blogging and writing novels for many years to come. It is an honor to be a part of the blogging world. It's what helped me come into my own as a writer.