I got some dead weight hovering around my space
I need to get rid of it
Took a while to realize
That everything you love
Isn't good for you
Sometimes the best taste
Is the one that's bad for you
Gotta get rid of the weight
It's already adding extra pounds to my heart
If your idea of love
Is judgment
You're not worth my time
You're dead weight
Doesn't mean I love you any less
Just means i'm learning to love me more
Funniest thing is
You don't even know
What you think you know
My life
Is not in the state you perceive it to be
I'm good
Just trying to be free
Free of drama
Free of nonsense
Free to live
Free to love
Free to be me
No more dead weight
Doesn't mean I love you any less
Just means i'm learning to love me more
You surprised me
Thought you were better than that
Did you stoop that low
To the examination of my flaws
Or the questioning of my decisions
Are you God
His is the judment that matters most
I don't always agree with the things you do
But I try my best to be there
And willing to help
To listen
Never said I was perfect
Mistakes are made
And there's one I want to clear up
Never thought it would come to this
I'm dropping the weight of you
From my shoulders
And my heart
And my space
Doesn't mean I love you any less
Just means i'm learning to love me more