Real love
I'm searching for the real love
Someone to set my heart free
Real love
I'm searching for a real love
This really applies to me. I've been finding out that people I trust are not really who I thought they were. I am very choosy when it comes to who I trust. Knowing that I have made mistakes in judgment does not sit well with me at all. If it was an acquaintance here and there it wouldn't be as bad. When you find out that people who you thought were good friends, or even family members, don't have your best interest at heart it hurts.
Real Love
Where is it? How do you know it's real. When do you allow yourself to trust when people you love hurt you? It's hard. I'm trying not to close off like I usually do but it's not easy. It would be wonderful to sit down and have "real" conversations but people just aren't honest. It's not easy to bare your soul to someone who dose not know how to take responsibility for the things they do and say. What do you do when you know of someone's transgressions and they have no idea of your knowledge?
Real Love
I've been lucky to have people in my life who I know I can count on and never have to question. My two best friends have always been there for me. They're very different. One is always painfully truthful and knows how to snap me back into place. The other shows me love that is so unconditional and transparent. I can talk to her about anything and never feel judged. That's...
Real Love
I have two amazing children. My daughter is stronger than she gives herself credit for. She's amazingingly strong, even when she thinks she is weak. Words cannot express how much I love her. I am truly inspired by her. My son is gentle and kind. He was a very warm spirit. I know that he will be a wonderful father. I have made mistakes as a parent but when I look at them I feel good knowing that I played a part in adding two great people to the world. They make the fake so much easier to handle.
Real Love
I've been married for a very long time. My husband and I have gone through a lot. People have their opinions and judgments and that's okay. It's our life. We grew up together and learned about life with one another. We've both made mistakes and will continue to do so. Through everything that has happened between us I have always known that he loved me. Through the pain, and in the midst of the pleasure, I have always felt the love. The...
Real Love
My son's baby shower was a couple weeks ago. Talk about love! There was nothing but positivity and kindness in the air. The support we were shown was something that i'm having a hard time putting into words. I felt like I was walking around in a daze. My heart was so full that I felt like it was oging to burst. Every smile or kind word touched me in ways I cannot describe.
My son is not really one to show his emotions. If you know him really well you can tell when he's excited. He was so happy that it was totally apparent how he was feeling. He glowed. His girlfriend, who is really shy, walked around the entire place thanking people and introducing herself. I know that was a big step for her. She was beaming. How could she not thank the people who showed her so much love?
I cannot thank the peole who helped me enough. My friend Marilyn was there from the start. My mother was such a big help that I had to try and convince her not to cook too much food. (it didn't work) My friends Greg and Kim came to town the day before the shower and were such a huge part of it all that it was like they were there from the start. They are such good people and great friends.
Real Love
The day before the shower was so nice. My sister, Yvette, and friend, Glynis, came over and together with Kim and Marilyn we got all the souvenirs decorated. It was cool. It was more than just decorating candles and glasses. Their support was what was important to me. These are people who always support me. They supported me with hard work at the shower as well.
Real Love
My niece worked so hard. She was my right hand and the reason for a lot of smiles. She's such a good girl. She worked so hard to make sure that her cousin's event went well. Such a loving, caring young lady she is. I know that I don't tell her how I feel about her enough.
Real Love
It's something that you can't explain. Sometimes it comes from a child or a mate, other times it comes from a friend or a sister. You just know when it's there. You also know when it is not. I'm learning to focus on the real and not be so overwhelmed by the fake. What do you call fake love? I guess it's not love at all. Sometimes bloodlines make you think you have to feel for people. That doesn't always have to be.
Real Love
When people exclude you or make you feel like a side thought think of the
Real Love
you have in your life. It's so much more important. I'm learning to seek the positive, to feel the positive, to concentrate on the positive. When I realize my trust is wasted I have to look to those who it's respected by. I have a lot of good people in my life. A lot of "real" people. I have turned to the wrong folks at times without knowing it. I've confided in people and heard whispers of my story. I have opened my mouth to the wrong ones and they opened theirs to others. I have gossiped when I should not have and have heard that only my end of the conversation was told.
It hurts and it will for a while. I know that it will not be that way forever. I will come out of this a better person because of the lesson I will learn. I'm not perfect. I love hard. When I give you a piece of my heart it is not a small thing. I'm not talking about like. I'm talking about...
Real Love
I have disconnected from some but by the grace of God I have also reconnected with others. Life is good. It's not always what you want it to be. You have to do the best with the lemons it drops in your lap. I'm on my way to making that lemonade.