Today's my father's birthday. I've been thinking about him a lot lately. He'll be a big part of my life no matter what. It really does not matter that he is not here with me physically. I miss him so much.
I broke down a couple days ago because I was wishing my daddy was here. There are so many things going on that I wish he was able to be a part of. He would be the best great grandfather ever. That's the main thing that bothers me. My son will be a father soon and I wish my dad was here to meet his great grandchild. He would love it.
My son never really got the chance to get to know his grandfather. My father died 11years ago and my son is 18. They would have been so close. I know it. It really saddens me to know they will never have a relationship. They look and act so much alike. My son even swallows like my father.
I love my father with all my heart and miss him even more. I just hope i'm living a life that makes him smile. I know he's watching my every move. He wouldn't be my daddy if he didn't.