I'm trying to change my way of thinking
Gotta stop letting the negative thoughts and self doubt creep in
Stop questioning the rainbow
And enjoy the colors
I'm trying to improve my way of living
Get out of my head
And just let things be
I'm trying...
Trying to see that half full glass
Keep myself from ducking
And trying to avoid the shoe I think is about to drop
I'm trying to be more positive
Need to stop preparing for the worst
And accept that whatever is happening may actually be for the best
I'm trying...
Trying to let go of the grip I sometimes keep on my emotions
And let people see who I really am
Because who I am is awesome!
I'm trying to be me
To let go
And unleash the fierceness inside
Believe me
I'm trying...
I guess i've been let down
Felt some pain
Been through a few storms
And my umbrella of protection is built of brick
I'm trying to look ahead
And stop peeking in the rear view mirror
It's just not that easy for me
But i'm trying
So many good things in my life
My family
My friends
My talents and blessings
My grandbaby, the light of my existence
I'm trying to concentrate on those things
Not the struggle
Not the disappointment
Not the uncomfortable situations
Not the things I let keep me from shining
I am greatness
I am deserving
I am blessed
I am God's child
That is where my concentration needs to be
The place that has a home for my heart
My wishes
My desire
My dreams
I will get there some day
And all of my trying
Will result in the fulfillment of my destiny
What I've Learned
*1.Expect *The Unexpected
*2.A Broken Heart* *will kill you just as much as anything.*
*3.You spend the second twenty years of your life* *,trying ...
4 hours ago