I wrote a book that I have read three times for editing purposes. I have not become bored or tired of going through it. I love what I have written. The storyline is good, the characters are solid, and I really do think it's worth reading. So, why don't I have a title?
When I first realized what I wanted to write and how things would be structured, I had the perfect title. It fit perfectly and I never gave it a second thought. There was no doubt in my mind. Throughout the entire writing process I never worried about coming up with a name for my work. I even knew what the cover would look like.
I finished writing and it felt great, it still does. One day I decided to google the title I chose and found out that it is very popular. I was so disappointed. That was a while ago. The problem is I feel stuck. I think my heart was so set on that title that my mind is blocked. No matter how hard I try I can't come up with anything.
None of my ideas seem to be good enough and I keep going back to the original title. I made a list of potentials but nothing jumps out at me. I want a title that will make people want to pick my book up off the shelves. A friend of mine is a photographer and he's ready to help me come up with the cover art. I just have to get it together.
I want the title of my book to mean something. It has to give you an idea of what you're about to read. This is not a simple decision. The problem is, my title block is holding me up. I have to copyright and register my book, get my own ISSN number, and so on but I can't do these things until I know what the hell the title is.
This process is wonderful and aggravating at the same time. I loved writing the book and editing has not been bad at all. It's all the other stuff. I'm ready to do the work but at times I feel like I don't know where to begin. It is my dream to publish on my own but I know it would probably be a lot easier if I actually hooked up with an established publisher. I know that's easier said than done.
One part of me wants to start off like Master P and sell books out of my trunk. The other part thinks it would be wonderful if someone thought enough of my work to help me introduce it to the world. I've come up with some fundraising ideas just in case. My book club thought their only job was to read the book and give me feedback. Boy do I have news for them. They're in for the long haul. The good news is I know they won't mind.
I feel blessed to have these kinds of dilemmas. There are folks who have no idea what they want to do. I have a vision for my future and I know that it will work out somehow. I'm definitely ready to do the work. I have no choice. It is my destiny. Now all I have to do is come up with a title.....