These pictures were taken in Cancun. I look at them every day because I need a vacation, and that was the best one i've ever had. I want out of the U.S. for a little while. I need to lay on the beach and relax. I need time away from the hustle and bustle.
I went to Cancun with my sister, Charlette, and my friend, Kecha, and we had so much fun! I need that in my life again. It's always good to get away, especially when you go with people you can have fun with. We had an absolute ball in Cancun. If you haven't been there, go!
I was reminising and I needed to get that out. Thanks for listening.....
I've never been to Cancun but I heard it was a very nice spot from those who have enjoyed. Nice pictures, and do whatever it takes to get back and enjoy the beach.
Thanks for your comment.
I plan to go back as soon as possible. You should give it a try. I guarantee you will have a great time.
I could use one myself! The daily grind is starting to get to me, seriously!
Looks like you had a good time there.
That's what I need...some sun, fun and BIG drinks with umbrellas in them! ;)
I know you love Cancun Ma. It must be alot of fun! Im going a small vacation to Virginia to see my family. I love going to Virginia because I get to spend time with my godmother, godbrother, and godsister who I love very much! We have fun everytime we are together! Can't wait to go..
Dude! Fun? We had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!! I would so love to go back to Cancun. I wet the bed, you and I went swimming at 2 in the morning in our clothes (when the pool was closed), we met so really cool people, you rocked at karoke, I can go on and on. Fun? Dude! We had a blast! You'll get that vacation sooner than you think.
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