Sometimes life reminds me of a run on sentence no pauses periods semi colons commas or anything no matter what happens life goes on you may think you have problems and then you look around and eventually you realize that someone in the world is doing worse than you are so you just have to keep going no pause periods semi colons commas or anything the motion is never ending the ups and downs continue the curve balls are thrown but you just have to keep dodge them and keep pushing no pauses periods semi colons commas or anything it's not always hectic but it is continuous even when you're sleeping life is going on without you all you can do is get up and start all over again just don't let the routine become routine spice it up live and love to the fullest no pauses periods semi colons commas or anything
This was cute, but it also makes one think. Life does go on, no matter what, sometimes it is really hard to keep it real, but all you can do is move forward
Tammy, YOU ARE BADD! I agree with Solomon, this makes you really think about your life and where it's going. Thank for this one, sis!
I really like this one. The truth always makes sense when you say it out loud. Love you.
Solomon - Gotta move forward and keep pushing. I haven't always done that, but it's no fun being stuck in situations so I have learned to move on.
Stacye - Thanks for the compliment. I'm glad you and your mom are doing well and your lives are moving in a wonderful direction. God bless.
Yvette - Love you too sis!
Hey Tammy! How true. Me and my girls have a saying "life...ya gotta live it" as a reminder to refocus on what's really important when things are looking unfavorable. Here lately I've been thinking about all the folks who've settled for broken dreams and unfulfilled life. Excellent advice to getting moving and remix life when needed :-).
I've been dodging a couple curve balls myself, lately. Lucky for me, I still have some pretty good damn knees! ;)
I'll tell you where there's never a period. In those damn bills! They just keep on comin'! lol!
Great analogy! ;)
This is my favorite post of them all. Very artistic. It really resonates. I love it.
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