Last night I held my crystal ball in my hand. I looked inside and it lit up. I took that as a sign that my future is bright. I can see it. I've finally learned the power of positive thinking. No more blocking my blessings.
I just want to be successful. That doesn't mean I want to be rich. Money's nice but it's not the end all be all. I just want to be able to make my living selling books and be able to live comfortable. That's not a lot to ask.
My success will not come from me sitting in a cubicle every day. It's just not what I want. Happiness is a big part of success and my job definitely doesn't make me happy. I'm sure i'd be ecstatic if I could stay home and write and be the suffering artist. That's not realistic for me. I would love to go out on that limb and quit for my art. I also like having my bills paid.
I just want to be successful.
Throughout my journey I have learned that patience is a virtue. Good things come to those who wait as long as they put in the work necessary. I'll admit I haven't always been as diligent as I should have been. I've been a procrastinator for a long time. I do my best work under pressure but this is not the time for that. I need to have my stuff together in a timely manner. I don't want to be throwing my book together at the last minute.
I've attempted to write novels before but things just didn't work out. I now realize that I wasn't ready for the process. It wasn't the time. The time is now. I'm very happy with what I have done. I wasn't always ready to share, but now I am.
I just want to be successful.
Success will come when I can get up each day and smile because I am happy with what my day will entail. I'm so far from that right now. I don't like the way I feel when I get up in the morning during the week. The thought of going to work clouds my thoughts. I have let a job bring my spirit down. Realizing it's only a means to an end has slightly lightened the load I felt on my shoulders from 7:30 to 3:30 every week day. This is not it for me.
Unfortunately it took me a long time to get to that place. I stayed on my job because I have some of the best benefits in the state. That's very important. I have a family and my benefits have taken very good care of us all. Family comes first.
I just want to be successful.
I definitely feel that I have been a success as a parent. Things have not always been perfect. I didn't get the rule book when either one of my children were born. I look at them and smile all the time. My daughter is so strong and my son has such a gentle spirit. She's a career woman and he's going to be a father. They will both be successful in the roles they have chosen.
When I first heard I was going to be a grandmother I wasn't sure how to react. My son is 18 years old and a sophomore in college. He's the same age his father was when our daughter was born. It's not what I wanted for him. I had to sit back and think before I reacted to the situation. He has a lot of plans for his life and my first thought was how drastically a child was going to change things.
I will always be there for my children. I wasn't afforded the benefit of the doubt when I got pregnant. No one sat back and took a moment before they reacted. My son's a good guy. His child will be very lucky. He will be a great father and I will support him. He has a job and will continue his college career. It won't be easy, but it will be okay. We both know that now.
I just want to be successful.
You are already a success Tammy! You're success is just going to be brighter when all the things in your life start coming together.
I've been where you're at and I can totally relate to your situation. Keep looking up and your future is just going to get brighter.
I agree with Solomon, Tammy. Greatness is in you. Keep the vision and determination stirred up :-).
Solomon - Thanks! I know things will fall into place eventually. I'm still working on my patience.
CurvyGurl - Thank you. I'm on a mission to share that greatness with the world. I know it's inside us all.
Pray specifically and faithful and HE will give you the desires of your heart!
Love and peace to you SBW
Free Spirit!
You can and will be successful. I believe in you. Love you.
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