I am so glad the work week has ended. I hope to get some writing done over the weekend. It looks like it's going to be a nice weekend and I have to find something to do. It's so wonderful when your children are old enough to go on about their business, and mine most certainly do.
When I woke up this morning I tried to think of all sorts of reasons not to go to work. I just wanted to get back in my bed and get some z's. My dream is to make my living as a writer and not have to worry about getting up every morning to go to a job i'm not that crazy about. Bills have to be paid, and we do what we must.
Shout out to all the single mother's out there. I talked about my father in my first blog and now I need to say something about my mother. She's the shit! She's part of the reason I got up and went to work this morning. I have watched her struggle to raise three girls and there were days, and still are, when she was sick or aching and she got up and went to work. She hasn't had an easy life, but she hardly ever complains. I probably don't tell her the way I feel enough. I admire and respect her more than she will ever know. (and she won't read this because the computer I gave her is sitting on the floor in her dining room) Love you ma!
That takes me to another point. Do we tell the people we love how we feel the way we should? People laugh because my family members and I say I love you so much. I don't see that as a bad thing. It's a great thing. This came about after my daddy passed away. I found out he was gone on his birthday. My daughter and I had been calling him all day, wondering why he wasn't answering his phone. Before the day was over, his landlord called to tell me that he was found in his apartment. He'd been there for a while. I never got to say goodbye. That made me realize that you never know what can happen. I've been telling those I love how I feel about them ever since.
TGIF! Tell the ones you love how important they are to you.
What I've Learned
*1.Expect *The Unexpected
*2.A Broken Heart* *will kill you just as much as anything.*
*3.You spend the second twenty years of your life* *,trying ...
7 hours ago
I'm glad it's Friday too! I am a single mother and it's no joke. Thanks for the shout out. My mother wasn't the best example so God bless all those who had a good one.
Thanx for the shout out. I love you, and you are important to me. Ma won't read what you wrote, but I am about to call her to read it to her. Of course Char cried after reading what you wrote, and I'm sure Ma will to. Shout out to Ty. I know how much you love, and miss him, and I'm sure he's looking down at you with smiles. Ma is the shit! I've never met anyone like her. You and I know what she went through, and if she survived, and stayed strong so the fuck can we. Love ya sis.
I say AMEN to your comment about your mom. She is a great mom, sister, Aunt, friend and whatever else she sets her mind to be. She; like the rest of us has not had it easy and have taken the good with the bad and kept on stepping. We had a great example in our mother; who set the tone for us all brothers, sisters, nieces, nephrews...ect the whole gang. I always tell Stevie "if I can be half the mother to him that mama was to me, I've done pretty good". (I say anyway). Being a good mother is a rewarding position, if you're appreciated by others. I'm glad you have the mom you do and I know that she will do anything and has done everything she can to be a good mom to you, Charlette and Yvette. I salute ALL GOOD MOMS, SINGLE ONES, (especially), Married ones and those who take the role of being one to others. Love Ya, Auntie Ann
I want to Grandma is a wonderful person! Shes works non stop and that's what I love about her! I love her for being such a great grandmother, she is the best!She birthed some great people, who are wonderful and strong black women themselves! I did not know how he died until I read this! When I first read it i cried a little because I remember that me and him use to hangout a lot together and it was fun! I miss u Grandpa! R.I.P!
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