There's a saying that people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I think it's true. I've never been the type of person to know a whole bunch of people. I believe in quality as opposed to quantity. I have friends who i've known forever, then there are those who I consider acquaintances, and friends I haven't known that long, but like a lot.
There are so many ways to make friends. You can meet them at work, in social settings, or through other friends. I have a few friends I cherish that I met through others. My friend Kecha was the girlfriend of one of my husband's friends. The two of us clicked from the beginning and got close immediately. I've known her for about 15 years now and she's someone I know I can depend on no matter what. She's the type of person that will give you the shirt off her back without a second thought.
I got the idea for this blog from my friend Trixie who I met through family. We're both pisces and I think we understand each other. It's important to have friends that understand who you are. I'm a private person and so is she. We're very emotional, but people don't know that because of our hard shell. Trix is someone who will have your back through thick and thin if she's your friend. She's that ride or die chick that will pick you up at 4:00 in the morning to go and handle whatever business needs to be handled. LOL!
I've known my friend Bena since third grade. She's in Georgia now. That's my girl no matter what. We've kind of lost touch, but if I saw her tomorrow it would be like we never parted.
Marilyn is one of my best friends in the world. That's my sister from another mother. If ever I don't have, she's there for me. She has done a lot for me over the years. We met at work about 20 years ago and became friends instantly.
There's Greg who has known my husband almost all his life. I consider him a brother. We lost touch for a little while but he was always on my mind. He's more like a brother. I like the way he thinks. We do nothing but laugh when we're together. He's one of the people I feel most comfortable around.
I have made friends that will be in my life forever on my current job. A couple are still there and some have moved on. We don't see each other as much as we use to but we always have fun when we do.
These are all lifetime friends. No matter what we're going to be friends.
I've met people who came into my life with information that I really needed and we lost touch. I'm writing a book and I met someone who has published one on her own. We spoke on the phone and went out for drinks a few times and I gathered a lot of information. We didn't communicate for a while, and eventually lost touch. She came into my life for a reason.
There are people who we hang out with, but don't really talk to about anything serious. We just enjoy their company.
Friends come in so many different forms. Those of us who have them are really lucky. It's just great to have those that you can call on no matter what.
I've been in a really reflective mood since I came back from visiting my family. Seeing them helped me to appreciate all that I have. Today I told my sister that I don't write in my journal anymore because I have this blog. I told someone I had a blog and they asked what I blogged about. I told them that I don't have a specific topic. I blog about whatever's on my mind. Yesterday it was haters, today it's friends. Who knows what will be on my mind tomorrow.
What I've Learned
*1.Expect *The Unexpected
*2.A Broken Heart* *will kill you just as much as anything.*
*3.You spend the second twenty years of your life* *,trying ...
7 hours ago
hey sis. i totally agree with you. i also consider my family friends. i know i can depend on them for just about anything. it's hard to still be in touch with childhood friends because people change, so consider yourself blessed to still have those friendships. i'm still best friends with my homegirl who now lives in Cali. we don't see each other as often as we would like, but we talk almost everyday, and we end every single conversation with, i love you. i know all of the women you mentioned, and they are all lovely individuals.
i think it's great that you blog about any, and everything. i wish i could stop writing in my journal, and start sharing my thoughts, and feelings with the world, but i'm just not ready for that. with that being said, i admire you for having the courage to put it out there, and not care what others may feel, think, or say. you freakin dude! i love you much my sister, my friend. ODAAT. hahahahahaha!
Hey Tammy (That's my favorite cousin's name too-lol) Thanks for visiting my blog. I agree with you
wholeheartedly on the friends thing.
Like you, I began my blog this year. I write in a conversational style as though I'm talking to my friends and that keeps me with a number of topics to blog about.
In July I started a second blog
in which I just put poetry and short stories on...I hope you find
blogging as much fun as I have.
This is a place where you can
meet and befriend a lot of people
who you may never actually meet in the flesh...Like me-lolol. Don't be
a stranger.
Hi Keith. I really liked your blog. I'm a bit of a novice with all of this, but i'm liking it. I had no idea there were so many out there. I will definitely keep visiting yours and I hope you do the same.
I feel you - quality over quanity, and every since I've practiced this friendship value, I can honestly say that I have 'friends' and not simply people whose names I know.
I've noticed that you've been in a bit of a reflective mode. Your friend of 15 years sounds like a winner.
Tam thanks for the Shot Out! Friends are very hard to find, and when you find someone who is a real friend you better hold tight.
As you stated we have similiar view points on people. I really don't trust to many people and if you are in my circle that's a good thing. Why? Cause I don't let many many in the circle. I do agree I have a low tolerance for bull-sugar, and nonsense. LOL!
Like you said I'm a ride a chick, but before that I'm a freaken LADY. hahaha!I really feel that the six letter word "Friend" should hold value, but sometimes unfortunately some people don't cheerish the ten letter word "Friendship". So basically this is why I can consider all of my girlfriends who've been in my life for over 17-20 yrs my FRIEND.
Along with them I can raise my hand to say it hasn't been that long that we've known each other, but it seems like a life time. IT's BEEN REAL.
So girl you are apart of my "Circle". Love Ya!
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