It's been 25 years and New Edition recently received ASCAPS's (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) Golden Note Award. This award is given to artists who have achieved extraordinary career milestones. New Edition are the Temptations of my time and I never thought they got the recognition they deserved. Without NE, there would be no New Kids on the Block, no Boyz II Men, no N'Sync, no Backstreet Boys, no boy band craze at all.

I met my husband in 1983 and we had so much fun. The eighties were the bomb. I had a red and black lumber jack, with the hat to match. My husband wore kazals and Sergio Valente's with no lenses. We would go down to Time's Square and see three movies for $3. It was fun to sit in McDonald's all night and talk and laugh.
Rap music was getting it's start and we would go to jams in the park. The deejays didn't always have enough electricity so they would run a bunch of extension cords from someone's apartment. An occasional fight would break out and, once in a blue moon, someone might get shot. It didn't happen that often. We had fun.
The music was fun, not violent. We danced, and flirted, and had fun. It was a different time. Things are so violent and sexual now. Sometimes it doesn't seem like young people know what fun is anymore. They're so busy seeing and doing adult things that they don't have time to be kids.
Guys would walk down the block with their ghetto blasters playing their music as loud as they could. They would even sit them down and have battles to see whose was louder. Just like LL, they couldn't live without their radio.

Remember dookie ropes and Adidas with the thick laces?
When I was young, I played outside all day long. I got upset when I had to go inside. We now live in the day of the video game. Kids don't give a damn about the sun. It's all about Playstation, Wii, and Xbox.
I remember when my father use to tell me the music I listened to sucked or I didn't know anything about music. I would laugh. Now, I find myself saying the same thing to my son when I hear him listening to certain rap songs. I guess I feel that way because I was there at the beginning. I know what it was and sometimes i'm disappointed in what it has become. At the same time, when a rapper tries to say something in his music he probably won't make much money. I guess I just miss the day of the MC, and the deejay at the turntable.

I was just feeling a little nostalgic. You may now return to the twenty first century...
I couldn't help but laugh where you spoke of the words of your father. Same here, I now find myself reflecting upon how the older generation didn't understand what I now can't seem to understand for the life of me.
I remember and enjoy the nostalgia post. They take me back to a place and time when the air was much fresher and attitudes were more promising.
New Edition and real hip hop music flooded my childhood. Great post.
Ooooooh I was so young and naive back then. Wouldn't want to go back there, not even for a free concert. (smile)
I'm right where I want to be grown up and all.
I don't want to go back , but it's fun to look back.
I have two words for the 80s: crack epidemic.
Memories of lumberjacks, battles between Busy B and Moe D, Leather bombers, Sheepskin coats, Lee Jeans, Name tags, Mr. Magic on WBLS on Saturday night........
Paterson New Jersey Native)
My daughter's a hater!
Wow slc! Memories, memories, memories. I had a black bomber, grey sheepskin coat and hat, a gang of Lee jeans with the permanent crease, and I can't believe I forgot my name belt.
I think I still have some Mr. Magic tapes that I recorded off the radio.
Confession Time. I got a name belt for Christmas two years ago. Trying to hold on to a little of my adolescence. I WISH I still had the tapes. I may have some Frankie Crocker (The Chief Rocker) on tape somewhere but that's all.
Thanks for the memories and the escape
The 80's were indeed the bomb!
OMG. Was definitely a different time.
I remember park jams, block parties (in Queens) Adidas and Pumas, the album Thriller, which I had on a cassette that I played over and over in my Walkman til it snapped. Then I just taped it and would have to use my finger to push past that part in the song every time I listened to it.
I was independent and bad ass with a job at Merrill Lynch (receptionist) and my own apartment at the age of 18. Life was one long party for me back then. Couldn't tell me DIP!
Was just the beginning of discovering myself and life back then!
Thanks for the memory! ;)
Those WERE some good times...I had a Gumby hairstyle at one time..Then I had a "Box" cut..and my wife used to wear Gazelles (Remember them??) and those large guady ear rings..We were so young then..I can still hear -"Cool it now" and "Mr. Telephone Man."
Too funny @ what lamika wrote.
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