I wish my father and grandparents were here to see this. They would all be ecstatic. I know they're all smiling at the thought of a black man being president of these United States.
Win or lose, Barack Obama has touched and changed so many lives. My son won't be 18 until December and he is upset that he can't vote. I went to the corner store the other day and some young men were talking about how happy they were to be voting for the first time. They were very informed on the issues. I was impressed and congratulated them. It was a wonderful thing to see.
I've always tried to make informed decisions when I voted, but this is the first time that I cannot stay away from news channels, needing to know what's going on with the election. I am all in.
It's time to make a change. We are the people who can do it. This is the most important election of our time. November 4th is the day. Be there or be square.
I guess the question is, Is it worth the wait. The answer is a resounding yes!
Pee before you leave home. Bring a book, an mp3 player, and prepare to make some new friends.
It's Time and you're on time with this post. If you get a chance, visit Keith's Space
My husband, daughter and I left home at 5:45 and when we got to the school where we vote before they opened at 6:00. There were a sea of beautiful black faces starting at us when we turned the corner. It was a beautiful thing! Nothing and no one can spoil my mood today.
I'll so be there. I'm not a square. Tell Ratique he can vote for his second term, there will be a second term. If Bloomberg can get a third so can Obama. I love you. I'll be thinking of you when I vote.
I feel the same way you do. I don't mind the lines and I am VERY excited. Obama has truly made history and I am extreemly proud of him and America period because we've come a mighty far way from the pictures posted on your blog of the past. How can anyone complain about having to stand in line?
I was so excited about the election that I could hardly sleep last night just thinking about how I was going to take part in history today.
I would have been sad if there wasn't a line. I got there around 6:30 am and the line had almost wrapped around the builing. I had my coffee and my Bible.
I read Proverbs 4 (trying to read one for each day) and Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes:
So no matter who wins, I'm still believing that God is the one in control, not our next President.
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