I didn't do much this Memorial Day weekend. My husband and I went to the movies and had a few drinks Saturday but that's about it. He had to work Sunday and I didn't feel like making any plans. I cooked and laid around all day. I got up early Monday morning to do the laundry and he cooked dinner. It was a nice, relaxing weekend.
The weather should be breaking for good and i'm ready for a good picnic. My husband and I have been talking about taking a few things to the park now and then just to spend some time alone. I'm looking forward to that. I think it's important to take time to do things with your mate. We have a lot of plans for the summer. I went to the bank the other day and won a backpack that contained a picnic pack for two and took that as a sign. I'm ready.
It's nice to spend time with your family when the weather is nice. My family doesn't spend time together the way we use to. People have things to do. Hopefully we will be able to change that. Spending time with the ones you love is so important. I'm not a phone person and would much rather be in someone's presence.
My husband and I have two timeshares that we barely use. We haven't had a good vacation in a while and plan to change that. I've been to Cancun with the girls and wanted to take him but the swine flu situation has changed that. I know i'm ready to go to an island. I need to destress. Situations have come up that would have normally gotten me down in the past but i've dealt with them. I would love to sit on a beach and reflect, preferably in Barbados.
We usually go to Vegas once a year. We weren't able to go last year so i'm ready for the make up. I love Vegas. There's always something to do and the fun never ends. My husband and I have had some fun times in that city. I can taste the seafood at the Rio's buffet right now.
I'm getting deep into finishing my novel. Saturday will be the first of a few book club meetings I will be having with friends to get their feedback. I was nervous when I came up with the idea but now i'm excited. I'm over the time when I was afraid to share my gift with others. I know that I am a very good writer and I am proud of what I have done.
I want to have a good summer. I'm more of a spring person but i'm ready to do the summer thing. It will be nice to take a walk and enjoy the weather. I've been doing a lot of reflecting and getting to know myself and I feel like i'm breaking just like the weather. I've learned a lot about myself and others and plan to apply it all as I enjoy the sun. I know who I want to spend time with and the things I want to do. I'm looking forward to making it happen.
Sounds like you have gotten to the place you want to be, good for you.
I also love the spring, because it maeans that summer is right around the corner, and summer always seems like I new beginning for me, and like you...
I am ready!
Solomon - I'm not quite there yet, but i'm working really hard. Spring is the best season. I feel like spring sometimes. It's kind of considered the preparation for summer and I feel like i'm preparing to totally find the person I want to be.
When I lived in NY I looked forward to the end of gloom too. Sometimes it lasts entirely too long. Isn't it funny it seems to end just when you had enough, maybe that's why they call it seasons huh? I must be pre-wired for sun but then again I am a Cali kid so I used to it being out more than it being gone!
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