I've been editing my novel since Decmember. It's much more work than I thought it was going to be but I have to do what I have to do to make my dream come true. I just finished my second stage of editing and feel that I will need to do at least two more read throughs before my novel is where I want it to be.
I took a big step in getting things done this Saturday. I had my first book club meeting. I reached out to some people whose opinions I trust and asked them to give me honest feedback. They have only read one chapter of the book, but the passion they showed for my baby made me smile. By the time the meeting was over I felt more pride than I have in a very long time.
I know that I have grown as a person because doing something like this would not even been an option a little while ago. It's not that I didn't believe in my talent as a writer, I just wasn't sure others would. I was so worried about what other people thought in the past that I held myself back. Those days are definitely over! God gave me a gift that I plan to share with the world.
When the ladies of the club began with a round of applause for my accomplishment, I was able to relax the nervous energy that was swirling around my being. I've never been part of a book club and had no idea what to do. I was also worried about what everyone thought about the chapter they read. I am so thankful that I chose the people I did because they would not allow me to doubt myself.
My mother does not like to read novels so I knew she would not want to be a part of the club. She offered to cook her famous fried chicken and help in any way that she could. I could tell that she was proud of me. That's very important to me. She came to the meeting and made sure everything was set up. I really appreciate her help and support.
I truly feel like I have a support system. That's very important. It's always important to have people around you who care. It makes the hard times easier. I know getting my book published will not be an easy task, but at least I know I have folks around me I can lean on.
A friend who is part of the club asked me a while ago what I wanted people to get from my novel. I told her I wanted them to be able to relate. I want them to think about the characters when they're not reading the book and speak of them like they are people. I want a lasting impression to be left on a person when they're done reading. There are so many things that I want. When a rainy day comes around, I want folks to pick up my book.

I could not help but smile as my book club talked about the characters of the book. They related to the characters and that made me so happy. The discussions went from my fiction to real life. I was no longer waiting to exhale. I let that air go and relaxed. If these wonderful, intelligent women enjoyed my words, I knew I had nothing to worry about. I know that they will be honest and help me prepare for whatever comes my way.
Thank you so much to the women who took time out of their lives to help me make my dream a reality. Thank you Chandra, Marilyn, Glynis, Yvette, and Char (Club President). I love you all and i'm so thankful for everything you have done and will do to help me achieve my goal.
Sis you are such an inspiration, and from what I've read about Angel, you really know how to paint a character.
Soooo... how is Angel doing and will I be hearing from her heart again?
That will help hold me over until your book is published.
Have a blessed week.
SLC - I've been trying to decide if I want to take Keith's advice and start a short story/poem blog or continue to use this blog. I have so ideas for Angel and she will be making another appearance. I'm just not sure when.
Congratulations lady...i know how good that feels...so rejoice!
Congratulations... Sounds like you have found your calling, and that you really have something special to share.
Best of luck to you.
Sis...congrats! I can't wait for your book to be published. Hold your head up high and strut...you are walking into your destiny!
Love Ya,
I enjoyed myself too. Can't wait until the next one. Love you like cooked food girl.
Mizrepresent - It is a feeling like none I have ever felt. I've been dreaming of this for a very long time and i'm so glad I finally decided to take the bull by the horns.
Solomon - I have definitely found my calling and it feels wonderful.
Stacye - I definitely feel like i'm walking into my destiny. I cannot wait to see what God has planned for me.
Yvette - Love you sis! Thank you so much for everything.
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